A popular poem from The Thirteenth Disciple
O Lord, grant me a poem.
Let me tell a story to rend the hearts of men.
True God of All Things seen and unseen,
breathe Thy spirit into me.
Let me tell a story to break the stony hearts of men–
that Thou may enter their shattered prisons,
and fill the crevices of their sorrow,
and drain the swamps of their fear,
and lift them from shadow to dwell in truth.
Let me translate Thy Love into a language
they will understand for all time.
Allow me a poem of eternal beauty
that will open the hearts of men,
and draw them closer to Thee,
and show them they are of Thy realm,
and assure them that Thou dwelleth in them.
O Lord, let me tell a story, frozen in eternal beauty,
for all generations to come, that will break the iron hearts of men.